Thursday, September 20, 2018


Adverbs are words used to modify or describe  a Verb.  

Example : The wind blew briskly.  The adverb is Briskly because it tells how the wind blows. 

Watch the video clip below to understand more about adverbs.

Identify the adverbs in these sentences (write your answers in the comment section)

1. He was walking rapidly.
2. Her jokes are always very funny.
3. My grandfather always smiled cheerfully. 
4. Mom stopped the car abruptly.
5. John ran quickly to the house.
6. Tom plays well. 
7. Rochelle ate her food greedily. 
8. He plays the piano beautifully. 
9. Jessica runs happily to her father. 
10. It's time to go now. 

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